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Although it is not within its legal competence, the Council of Ministers of National Unity assigns PPP company to implement important projects

The Council of Ministers of the National Unity Government issued a decision, a copy of which was obtained by our source, assigning the public & Private Partnership Project Management to partner with the private sector headed by Abdul Majid Mleigta to implement projects represented in the implementation of the waterfront of the city of Tripoli, which extends from Tajoura in the east to the Maghreb village in the west.

Also, the implementation of a project to rehabilitate the seashore in the area extending between the Gudaim forest in the east and the city of Misurata in the west, for the purpose of establishing tourism and investment projects in the region.

It is noteworthy that the PPP, which participates with the private sector, according to its articles of association and the decision to establish it, is a mediation between the public and private sectors and is not a project implementation company.

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