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Al-Ghoul declares to our source about the Libyan-Turkish agreement

The researcher and specialist in oil affairs, Ahmed Al-Ghoul, stated exclusively to our source that: “The Libyan-Turkish agreement and what it aroused from opinions in the Libyan street between those who reject and support it, without knowing its details or its merits and its dimensions in the short or long term.”

He added: “Libya, according to this agreement, gained about 40,000 square kilometers in an area believed to be rich in natural resources, the most important of which is gas. It is strange and surprising to hear voices from within who believe the opposite and promote the idea of ​​colonialism.”

He continued: “As for what is being heard from abroad, this is a strong indication that this agreement is of very great importance, and this vast area to the Libyan state disturbed those countries. In addition, this agreement blocks the way for some states that have been trying to penetrate the oil establishment in Libya for years and will certainly push them to reconsider their accounts, especially, as the partner this time represents an important regional power represented by the Turkish state, and perhaps the recent confused statements and positions prove the validity of this.”

He concluded: “The government should take advantage of the surrounding conditions and invest urgently and quickly in these areas, as well as start exploration and development operations in them in cooperation with the Turkish partner to benefit from them in achieving huge economic returns that will contribute in one way or another to strengthening Libya’s geopolitical position and supporting stability and development in it. This will undoubtedly affect the economy and improve the living conditions of citizens.”

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