| Corruption Files
Al-Huwaij nominates a member of the Tripoli Control Authority, who is assigned to follow up on the ministry, to the position of commercial attaché and he does not depict it as corruption
The beginning was by addressing the Administrative Control Authority of the Ministry of Economy in the National Unity Government with its letter No. 6549, in which it named a committee of oversight members headed by Abdul Razzaq Al-Wuhayshi Abdullah Al-Shuaibi and asked to enable them to follow up and evaluate the performance of the ministry. The committee continued its work until it was replaced by a new committee in the second quarter of 2022.
Sources at the Ministry of Economy said to our source that no sooner had the committee started its work than the Minister of Economy, Mohamed Al-Huwaij, was impressed by the performance of its head, so he sent a letter to the head of the Administrative Control Authority No. 2931 requesting approval of the assignment of the person concerned to work in the ministry.
The Chairman of the Authority issued his decision No. 409 of 2022 on May 22, 2022 assigning the concerned person to the Ministry of Economy in an explicit violation of the legislation in force that stipulates the decision of delegation to be issued by the authority delegated to it after the approval of the original employer.
Al-Huwaij nominated the concerned person as a commercial attaché abroad, even though he has no experience with the work of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, and despite the protest of many of the ministry’s old employees, who see that what Al-Huwaij practiced is a violation of the principle of merit and entitlement and is considered as corruption and bribery of the regulatory bodies, according to their description.
Ministry employees submitted a complaint to the Administrative Control, which our source obtained, calling for an investigation into this corrupt practice and for the nominations to be based on the principle of merit.
The Administrative Control Authority sent a letter to the Ministry of Economy asking it to stop the work of the list until the administrative control completes the investigation, which does not seem to have ended to today date.
Nevertheless, many of the candidates on the list have completed their procedures and received their diplomatic passports, and some may have already traveled abroad.
In contact with the office of the presidency of the Administrative Control Authority in Tripoli, we have not received any response or comment from it so far in particular.
In contact with the Minister of Economy, Mohamed Al-Huwaij, about what was reported, he told our source literally: “This cannot be corruption according to the law, because it has no benefit, and it is not true in the first place.”
In contact with one of the officials at the Ministry of Economy, he told us that no copy of the assignment decision has been received by the Ministry of Economy, and can’t be considered true.