The President of the General Information Authority: “A draft of a new telecommunications law to comply with technology changes and market requirements”

The head of the General Information Authority, Abdul Baset Al-Baour, told our source during the celebration of the National Information Technology Day: “This day in Libya represents a shift, as information and communication technology has become an essential element in daily life, whether it is inside or outside the Libyan state.”

He continued: “The world has changed and we have to adapt to what is currently in place. We, as an authority, are tasked with regulating the telecommunications sector by issuing legislation, regulations and laws in coordination with the competent authorities. At this stage, we seek to be modernized by developing a new draft of the telecommunications law in line with technological changes and market requirements.”

He added: “We also seek to develop the fields of postal law, where there is no law regulating the mail process and in the field of information security and safety too, since technology has always some disadvantages, to avoid them we need to create a “national crime-fighting system” against the exploitation of technology and making it a tool of crime.”

general information authoritylawLibyatelecommunications