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A group of economic and financial experts, including ten members from the Economic Salon organization out of seventeen, consisting of: Dr. Abubakr Abu Al-Aid Abulqasim, Mr. Hamuda Al-Aswad, Mr. Mr…
Our source has obtained a notice referred by the Deputy Director of the Audit Bureau, Atiyat-Allah Abdulkareem, to the Bureau’s Legal Affairs Office. The notice was received by a process server fr…
The Canadian newspaper Toronto Star reported on Sunday that recent clashes in the city of Zawiya have caused fires at the oil refinery as armed groups vied for control. These disturbances highligh…
Economic expert Mohamed Sanussi, in an exclusive statement to our source, commented on the letter presented by several experts addressing Libya’s public financial challenges. He stated, “First, we…
Former member of the Central Bank of Libya’s Exchange Rate Committee, Misbah Al-Akari, stated: “The liquidity problem will be fully resolved by 2025 provided that all stakeholders (citizens, the p…
Turkish Airlines announced it will resume flights between Benghazi and Istanbul starting next year. According to Anadolu Agency, the airline had suspended its flights to Benghazi a decade ago d…