Within the framework of the Banking and Monetary Supervision Department’s follow-up to the accepted purchase requests for letter of credits and remittances, submitted by commercial banks through the system for following-up requests for coverage, and foreign exchange sales for personal purposes, in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Libya No. (1) of 2020 regarding amending the exchange rate of the Libyan dinar and Banking and Monetary Supervision Department Circular No (9/2020).
According to the table below, which illustrates the values sold of foreign exchange by banks, it is clear that National Commercial Bank was the most bank purchased foreign exchange from1/1 – to 30/06/2023 with a market share of 13.7%, as the total amounts of foreign exchange purchased was about $1,448,065,449 followed by Al-Wahda Bank with a value of $1,286,538,293, then Jumhouria Bank was in the third place with a value of $1,194,985,356. Then Aman Bank for Trade and Investment was ranked fourth with a value of $1,183,366,774, then the following banks come in terms of relative importance in order: Yaqeen Bank, Nuran Bank, the United Bank, the Libyan Islamic Bank, and the Sahara Bank. of the banks as shown in the table below, which also contains the order in which they were Banks during the same period last year 2022.