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Exclusive: Al-Harshaoui: “Bengdara’s Health Issues Are Not the Reason for His Resignation; His Policies Crossed Boundaries”
Libyan affairs expert at the Royal United Services Institute, Jalel Al-Harshaoui, told our source on Saturday that two or three months ago, there was no decision to remove Farhat from leading the National Oil Corporation. However, recent months have witnessed new developments. Generally, it can be said that Farhat’s policies, whether financial or monetary, within the Corporation and its branches, have crossed boundaries, putting several essential components of the Corporation at risk. As a result, Farhat found himself at a dead end due to a severe shortage of dollars, both within the NOC and the Central Bank.
Al-Harshaoui emphasized that this is why the Dbeibeh and Haftar families stopped supporting him in Tripoli. Meanwhile, pressure from Abdullah Qadirbouh, the head of the Audit Bureau, increased on Farhat. At the same time, Abu Dhabi remained passive and stopped providing him support. Consequently, Farhat collapsed. While his health problems are very real, they were also present three or four months ago, meaning they are not the new factor explaining his downfall, according to Al-Harshaoui.