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Exclusive: Our source obtains the Investment Authority statement regarding the ruling of the Brussels Court of Appeal in Belgium
Our source obtained exclusively the statement of the Libyan Investment Authority, regarding the ruling of the Brussels Court of Appeal in Belgium.
The Authority added: “As part of the Authority’s strategy to protect its assets and confront the measures taken by the Belgian judicial authorities on its funds deposited with Euroclear Bank Brussels, which are linked to the claims of the Belgian Prince Laurent against the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture.”
The Authority submitted an appeal before the Brussels Court of Appeal against the precautionary measures taken by the Belgian investigating judge. It succeeded, through the ruling issued by the Brussels Court of Appeal on 21/2/2023, in extending the court’s control over the procedures of the Belgian investigating judge, and reconsidering the precautionary procedures taken by him when he received the rogatory file from the Libyan judicial authorities.
The Authority stressed that this ruling did not include any new procedures against its assets and funds in Belgium or against its president.
At the end of the statement, the Libyan Investment Authority confirmed its continuity in carrying out all legal and judicial procedures to protect its assets from the procedures taken by the Belgian Prince Laurent against the institution in Belgium to implement it in exchange for his claims before the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture, in this regard, on the independence of the institution and its enjoyment of independent financial disclosure.