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Exclusive: The Legal Advisor: “An Administrative Correspondence Cannot Be Used by the Audit Bureau’s Representative to Enforce a Judicial Ruling or Order”
The legal advisor, Hisham Al-Harati, stated exclusively to our source: “The Audit Bureau’s representative or any administrative employee is not permitted to enforce a judicial ruling or order through an administrative correspondence.”
He added: “The enforcement of judicial rulings and orders is exclusively carried out by bailiffs in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Libyan Code of Civil Procedure. This cannot be done through administrative directives. Any action contrary to this constitutes an overreach of administrative employees’ authority and violates the provisions of Article 365 of the Libyan Code of Civil Procedure, which stipulates that enforcement must be conducted by bailiffs based on the request of the benefiting party or their legal representative.”
He further clarified: “Therefore, this responsibility does not fall within the duties of an administrative employee. Hence, administrative correspondences issued by the Audit Bureau’s representative or any administrative body do not constitute a lawful means to enforce judicial rulings. Any action undertaken in this manner is a clear violation of the Libyan Code of Civil Procedure and exposes the violator to legal accountability.”