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The Central Bank publishes total revenue and spending from January to July 2022

The report of the Central Bank of Libya stated during its monthly statement on revenue and expenditure during the period from 1/1/2022 to 31/7/2022 that the total revenues amounted to 77.2 billion dinars. Revenues from oil sales amounted to 56.1 billion, oil royalties 8.2 billion, revenues from oil royalties for previous years 11.4 billion, taxes 628 million, customs 34 million, communications 146 million, revenues from selling fuels in the local market 90 million and other revenues 528 million.

The total expenditure amounted to 45.1 billion dinars, starting from 23.2 billion dinars for salaries, 3.6 billion dinars for administrative expenses, 118 million dinars within the third chapter of development, including granting students who were referred to Libyan embassies abroad, and 11.7 billion for support, and finally an exceptional budget for the institution National Oil Company worth 6.5 billion.

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