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The Chargé d’Affairs at the Embassy of Russia in Libya: “There are a very large number of requests from small Russian companies that want to enter the Libyan market”

The Chargé d’Affairs at the Embassy of Russia in Libya, Jamshid Poltaev, stated exclusively to our source: “Of course, there are difficulties, but in fact there is not a single government in Libya that can negotiate with or conclude long-term contracts with it in order to enter into negotiations and conclude deals. It is essential that there be a responsible government that governs the country and concludes contracts for at least some of the time period that can be predicted today in Libya.”

He added: “We had contracts with Russian railways, but now we are trying to restore those contracts. We have direct requests from both sides from the Libyan and the Russian, and we are now trying to restore them all. There is a presence of Gazprom and there are debt problems due to force majeure, but this is commercial information, so it is better to contact the company directly. There is an operating company “Tatneft”, which is now operating in some places where there is a license to operate.”

He continued by saying: “There are a very large number of requests from small Russian companies that want to enter the Libyan market, and unlike Libya, they want to receive medical services in Russia. I know that the Russian Embassy is working today to expand the possibilities of providing medical services to Libyans in Russia. This is the reason behind the expansion and continuity of contacts, but the only remaining problem is instability.”
