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House of Representatives Urges Continuation of Work by Central Bank Governor and Deputy

The Director of the Office of Presidential Affairs in the House of Representatives has sent a formal letter to the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya.

The letter reads as follows:

Respected Sir,

Governor of the Central Bank of Libya,


Upon reviewing the correspondence dated June 20, 2024, with reference number (81/1199), which includes the receipt of communication from your esteemed bank’s postal department, along with decisions numbered (21-22-2024) concerning the appointment of a new governor and board of directors for the Central Bank, as well as the formation of a handover committee, His Excellency has instructed me to convey the following:

The decisions issued by the Presidential Council are deemed null and void. This stance is particularly significant following the House of Representatives’ confirmation of the continuation of the current governor and his deputy in their positions.

Please accept our highest regards and respect.

This communication underscores the House of Representatives’ position on the recent decisions by the Presidential Council regarding the Central Bank of Libya.

IMG 6874

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