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The President of Tripoli Chamber of Commerce: « Honoring those who reduced prices is a support for everyone who takes such a step and seeks to expand the number of companies contributing to that »

The head of the Tripoli Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Administration Committee, Fradj Dribel, told our source, during the activities of the initiative to honor companies contributing with the Ministry of Economy in reducing the prices of basic commodities during the holy month of Ramadan, that « This initiative was aimed to thank those who do well, and encourage businessmen, companies and malls to continue to reduce their prices. »

He added: « The month of Ramadan is a month of blessings and goodness. We are supposed to take into account its position. All major markets are making discounts on the occasion of the holy month. That is why we, as Libyan and Muslim businessmen, are striving in this step. »

He continued : « The Chamber decided to honor those who made the reduction to encourage others to follow their example, as well as to support everyone who took a sound step to continue and increase the number of contributing markets in a very large way. »

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