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Exclusive: Commenting on Experts’ Letter Regarding Libya’s Public Financial Challenges, Sanussi Says: “Libya’s Problems Cannot Be Solved with Proposals and Recommendations”
Economic expert Mohamed Sanussi, in an exclusive statement to our source, commented on the letter presented by several experts addressing Libya’s public financial challenges. He stated, “First, we must thank everyone who tries to contribute with their knowledge and expertise to solving Libya’s problems. However, generally speaking, Libya’s problems cannot be solved by presenting proposals and recommendations alone. They can only be addressed by appointing the right person in the right position, free from quotas and favoritism. Officials must be chosen based on competence, not loyalty.”
He added, “Why do we see experts offering advice to solve problems while those in power lack the expertise? There will be no common language between those proposing solutions and those tasked with implementing them. Many officials lack the qualifications necessary to understand and execute the recommendations.”
Sanussi further noted, “As for the letter, there are some weaknesses, the most notable being that some recommendations are unimplementable without fundamental institutional changes, which seem impossible given the current political climate.”
He continued, “Additionally, the letter did not address mechanisms for coordinating the implementation of recommendations between various institutions, nor did it outline priorities or a phased approach to execution.”
Sanussi concluded, “Those in power must hold regular meetings with experts and qualified individuals to develop a clear roadmap with a timeline that sets priorities and execution methods. Corruption must be addressed by improving oversight, starting with combating corruption in regulatory bodies, and appointing qualified individuals rather than those who attained their positions through quotas.”