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One of the officials reveals the details of the concept a telecommunication radio that covers all parts of the country

In an interview with our source today, Monday, during the Tripoli International Fair, the media official in the communications sector, Abdul Hakim Suwaid, said: “We are in the process of launching the project of a FM audio communication radio, and we have obtained verbal approval in this regard. It differs from the rest of the radio stations because it follows the communications, and it will become the only channel that can broadcast throughout Libya at one time.”

He added: “It can also be managed from the offices of the LPTIC according to the proposed scenario, which we hope will be approved. The work is distributed among the offices in this national work.”

In conclusion, he said: “If the decision was issued by the Holding Company to approve this matter, it would not take more than a month to activate the broadcast, due to the ease of transmitting the signal through communication lines gradually across all Libyan cities.”

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