| Corruption Files
Al-Lamoushi said: « The decisions of the Economy Minister to solve the problem of the commercial registry system are devoid of content and the ministry has a decisions diarrhea and his expenses on travel exceeded 5 million dinars »
Our source contacted the Center for Information and Economic Documentation, the technical department responsible for digital transformation and information technology in the sector, to learn about the latest developments in the aftermath of the abolition of resolutions 221 of 2021 regarding the unified registration number and resolution 935 of 2021 regarding electronic negative certificates, especially after the Audit Bureau’s letter to the Minister The economy on January 16, 2022, who demanded that it reactivate the system.
The General Director of the Center, Hassan Al-Lamoushi, reported exclusively to our source that the Minister had responded to the Audit Bureau’s letter with a letter bearing the number 5-1-480 dated January 31, 2022, which was full of fallacies and flimsy justifications.
He continued: « When you read the response of his excellency, the Minister, you will conclude that he requires changing the Charter of the United Nations in order to retract his decisions to disrupt the system launched by the former Minister Boumtari. »
He stated that the response to the owner’s office was to attach a decision bearing the number 61 to form a committee to solve the difficulties facing the re-working of the system, but that committee did not hold a single meeting, and on March 2, 2022, the minister issued his decision No. 212 to dissolve the first committee and form a committee. The decision stipulated in its fourth article that the committee would complete its work within 3 weeks.
He added: « Today, March 21, the three weeks ended, and this committee also did not hold any meeting for it, which gives credibility to the assumptions that the goal of those decisions was not to solve the problem as much as it was procrastination and evasion of responsibility and betting that people will forget the heavy damage that they caused. The minister’s actions followed the digital transformation program in the sector. »
He continued: « But this has been the ministry’s vocation since March 2021, not only in the field of digital transformation and providing electronic services to the citizen, but also in almost most of the duties entrusted to it. You can ask any businessman, craftsman or citizen in the street about anything tangible that has been achieved for him on the economic level during the past twelve months and see the answers that you will get. »
He revealed that Al-Huwaij’s decisions are devoid of content and the Ministry of Economy suffers from issuing decisions diarrhea, and despite the complaint about the lack of capabilities, what the Ministry of Economy has spent on travel since Mr. Al-Huwaij took office, has exceeded five million dinars, according to the report of the employee issued annually by the Center for Information and Economic Documentation.
He stated that the ministry’s web page contains only the words (opened, visited, held a meeting). There is nothing useful for the citizen or business owners, not to mention the smearing of the ministry’s image with various kinds of abuses from the nominations of commercial attaches ( This is a file in which abuses have reached such an extent that they fall under misdemeanors and crimes that require legal prosecution of their perpetrators) and assigning people whose job grades do not qualify them to occupy positions in addition to the issue of scrap and others.
He added that when a people loses confidence in its leaders and elites, it loses confidence in itself. « Unfortunately, our people have only harvested betrayal from this ministry, and there is no hope for it under the current hopeless administration. »
He concluded: « The pain is crushing me when I say these words about a sector of which we are a part. But we are paying the price of a failure imposed on us, not because of a lack of expertise or capabilities. We have excellent experiences, at least in the field of informatics, that every Libyan man and woman are honored of. The capabilities are adequate to some extent. It cannot be said that it is insufficient, especially since the sector spent last year no less than 5 million dinars on travels alone. »