Social Affairs Ministry reveals exclusively to our source about the date of disbursing the grant for the wife and daughters over the age of 18

The Director of the Information Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Khaled Masoud, answered in an exclusive statement to our source about the date of disbursing the grant for the wife and daughters over 18 years old.

He said: “Within a month, once their data procedures are completed, the amount will be allocated to them and disbursed.”

The Minister of Social Affairs in the Government of National Unity, Wafa Al-Kilani, had stated exclusively to our source in a previous interview regarding this grant that the ministry is working hard with the Public Information Authority, the Civil Status Authority and the other relevant authorities.

She also explained: “as a first stage, we receive the data from the Civil Status Authority. The authority has to update the data and do some of the procedures that it promised us to complete after the Eid and send to us. Within a maximum period of a month, it will be in the accounts of the beneficiaries of the non-working daughters and wives.”

She added: “The data must, of course, be matched with the data of Social Security and the Ministry of Finance and of Labor in order to ensure that no salary is provided by the Libyan state in order for the grant to be disbursed to them. As for the families that did not receive the grant for 2021, we sent many supplements, and we are still working on the rest, and they will be sent immediately after Eid.”

daughters allowanceLibyaministry of social affairswife allowance