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An official in the commercial administration of the Hatif Libya Company declares to our source about the company’s objectives and the services it provides

The head of the billing services unit in the commercial administration of Hatif Libya Company, Yazan Ahmed Al-Hamidi, told our source during the activities of the Libya International Forum for Information Technology, by saying: « Libya Hatif Company is one of the subsidiaries of the Libyan Post Telecommunication & IT Holding Company. It is a leading company in this field, as it maintains and operates sovereign systems that include local systems represented in transit switches, sub-dividers, and intermediaries within cities, as well as the development of the wired and wireless telephone network. »

He added: « The company provides its services through 82 offices distributed over 7 communication areas across the country to ensure the horizontal spread of the service and facilitate access to the generous subscriber. Also, with phone services, we provide internet services for private companies. »

He continued : « Our vision is to create an environment for communication in order to provide distinguished services, through the development of systems and infrastructure for the phone network. As for our goals, we seek to provide high-quality communications that meet the requirements of all beneficiaries of our services and keep pace with technical development. » 

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