Exclusive: Benghazi Sheep Farmer: “Government-Provided Sacrificial Animals Did Not Affect Market Prices, and No Support Given to Traders”


A sheep farmer from Benghazi spoke exclusively to our source, stating: “We cannot blame the state or approach it for help, as nothing has been provided to us as traders. For about two weeks, we have been suffering from foot-and-mouth disease, causing significant harm to many individuals.”

He added: “The sacrificial animals we have available range from 15 to 3000 dinars, catering to everyone’s budget. The losses are considerable because the prices of fodder, medicine, and everything else a trader needs are high.”

He also mentioned: “There is a high demand from customers for sacrificial animals, but the current constraint is liquidity. We do not engage in sales through banks or similar methods due to our commitments. The imported sacrificial animals provided by the government at reduced prices have not affected market prices.”